TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers » TAG Site Specific

Dec 10 2010

We’ve completed the migration for the TAG Forums to Bluehost, and now they’re back online. Thanks for being patient folks!

UPDATE: Now all of our previous articles have been migrated from the decommissioned server.

Dec 07 2010

Well, it goes to show that web servers can tell when you are up to something.  As such, the moment I signed up for a better hosting package, the old one fell down on it’s knees. What this means is for the next little while, until I can drive over there and retrieve the old website data, is that the archived stories up to this point and the TAG Forums are offline.

I’ll have them back as soon as possible and I’ve taken steps to ensure the site will be far more robust by moving it to Bluehost.

Dec 06 2010

Some of you may have noticed we’ve been changing things up a little bit on the site.

  • We switched to WordPress from Drupal, and enabled a mobile theme for iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry devices.  This switch was mainly made for the mobile support.
  • We’ve launched a Facebook page if you’d like to see our content there.
  • We’ve integrated Twitter with our WordPress page.
  • A while back we added Tapatalk support for the forums which makes it much easier to use them from a mobile device.

We’re still doing some of the lifting and there will be more tweaking of the site. I wanted to link the forum and site logins, but it looks like the plugins are having some challenges so that will wait a while.  Next up, we’re looking at more connections to social networking for comments on the TAG site for example.