TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers » souvenirs

Sep 07 2011

COGger’s are much happier tonight, now that Groundspeak has finally corrected the series of errors that followed the issuing of the first Mega Event souvenir in Canada (Spring Fling 007). At first, the Souvenir had a crappy, low resolution image that featured a man holding a gun (of all things):

Next, they replaced the artwork with a much better logo, the one that was featured on the shirts you all bought at the event:

But the bio was still that of the Groundspeak Lackey who came up with the original gun themed image! I’m glad to report (via rca777) that the proper bio is now up for local cacher Elf (of Rainbow’s Connections). Rather than explain who she is, here’s how Groundspeak wrote up her bio on the updated Souvenir page:

About the Artist:Elf is a Geocacher with an interest in the simpler, kookier, and often overlooked things in life. She will help you step outside your comfort zone, and make you think about your world, your ways, and your thoughts on just about any topic. When not hiking or geocaching, she spends her time reading, writing, creating stuff, marshaling bicycle races, and challenging those around her to become even more amazing people. She also tends to attract various wildlife such as beavers, moose, and grackles, to get stuck upside down inside tree trunks, caves, and other hard to get into spaces, and to get quite muddy, wet, scratched, scraped, and bruised – all in the name of fun. She also enjoys wrestling salmon and working on her “How One Gets Oneself into these Situations: The Guide” photo album.

Congratulations to Elf for having her artwork featured in a Groundspeak Souvenir. It’s a great show, and much better represents the event as it was. Here’s hoping they call you first next year for the Spring Fling 8 Souvenir.

[ Spring Fling 007 Souvenir Page ]

Jan 13 2011

Groundspeak has finally started issuing the Canadian Provinces “souvenirs”. They started with Ontario. Souvenirs are Groundspeak’s equivalent of an achievement badge. These are awarded these for visiting caches or events, sometimes at a specific date or time.

The Souvenir for Ontario features artwork of maple leaves, a loon and Niagara Falls. They also include some descriptive text about the Province:

The most populous of the provinces, Ontario is the seat of the national capital and over half of Canada’s manufacturing. It stretches the farthest south of any part of the Canadian mainland, reaching farther south than California’s northern border.

Souvenirs are also awarded retroactively – so if you’ve ever found a cache in Ontario, check the Souvenirs tab on your Geocaching.com “My Profile” page to see yours.

Dec 13 2010

If you’d like to see COG Spring Fling 7 get a Souvenir on Geocaching.com, now there’s a place where you can vote for that.

Spring Fling is hosted annually by Central Ontario Geocachers, and it’s Ontario’s local Mega Event, held just north of the City. Even if you don’t upvote the Souvenir, set aside June 11, 2011 to attend the event, it is one of Ontario’s premier annual event caches.

Dec 10 2010

Groundspeak has opened up a section on the feedback site for picking out the next souvenirs. Souvenirs are little FourSquare like achievement badges that show up on your profile when you complete a certain task – like logging a geocache in a given area, or at a certain event.

Here’s a list of all the active Souvenirs

If you have an active account on Geocaching.com, you can head on over and see the list that everyone’s pitching, and vote for the ones you’d like