TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers » Groundspeak Acquires mygeocachingprofile.com

It looks like it’s a big news day all around today. Now, Groundspeak has added another killer feature to the geocaching.com website. They have purchased mygeocachingprofile.com and will be adding a “stats” tab to your geocaching profile page, starting next Tuesday. This is a welcome addition to the tools at geocaching.com.

Stats you can currently track on mygeocachingprofile.com include which states/provinces you have cached in, and various challenges like the Fizzy/Well Rounded Cacher 81 D/T grid and the days of the year caching challenges.  This type of information built into the site will reduce the need for some GSAK macros like FindStatGen.

From the mygeocachingprofile.com homepage:

Mygeocachingprofile.com Acquired by Groundspeak!

Great news for lovers of geocaching statistics! Groundspeak has acquired the mygeocachingprofile.com site and will be moving the statistics, charts, and maps into the geocaching.com website! They have already begun an initial transfer of several profile sections into a new “Stats” tab in your geocaching profile and they plan to move over more sections in the near future. Look for the new “Stats” profile tab in the upcoming geocaching.com release next week!

The mygeocachingprofile.com website will continue to be available in its current form so cachers can take advantage of any existing sections that haven’t yet been incorporated into the main geocaching.com site. We’ll also be passing along all of your fantastic development suggestions to the Groundspeak team so that they can continue providing new statistics and maps directly on geocaching.com.

Thanks to all of our users for your tremendous support and thanks to Groundspeak for bringing these fun features to the geocaching community!

Happy caching!

Cameron and Jan (Brainzane & Yossface)

This is great news for Groundspeak’s geocaching community.