TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers
Oct 29 2010

It’s finally here! BFL Boot Camp 5 – Devilluminati.
This all night geocaching event takes place tomorrow night in the north-west part of Milton. We’ll start at a pub in Milton then make our way out into the woods for a night of entertaining night-caches. If this sounds like fun, sign up at Geocaching.com and come on out to the Command Centre some time tomorrow night (after 9:30pm).
Tonight, there’s a caching event in Mississauga where people will be “planning their BFL strategies”. Most of the BFL organizers are also attending the Mississauga event tonight. This is being held by The Treehouse Gang
Tonight’s Event:
Yes! We have no Sprouts
Tomorrow’s BFL Event:
BFL Boot Camp 5 – Devilluminati
Sep 14 2010
It’s that time of year again. In Toronto, it’s said that Autumn is heralded by the end of the Canadian National Exhibition. To a geocacher, however, it isn’t Autumn without GHAGAFAP.
GHAGAFAP: Golden Horseshoe Area Geocachers And Friends Annual Picnic
The event is the largest annual geocaching event in the Golden Horseshoe area, which encompasses Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara. It originally started in Guelph 9 years ago as a picnic. It still has a picnic componment to it, but has grown beyond that. At the ‘Fap, you’ll find food, geocaches, geocaching talks, camping and much more.
This year’s event is being held at Rockwood Conservation Area, between Guelph and Acton.
Aug 25 2010
Opencaching, which has been around in Europe for some time is an alternative to Geocaching.com. The site has launched in the United States as of August 18, 2010. The site, opencaching.us is openly promoting their availability to USA geocachers. Not sure if they are lumping Canada into their USA site, or if they plan an opencaching.ca site in the future (right now that’s domain parked).
Some of the differences on the Opencaching site include non-anonymous reviewers and the ability to post virtual caches. At the time this article was written, the site has 86 active cache listings (versus 1,167,584 on Geocaching.com). It will be interesting to see if the site grows, and how well it scales with no membership fees or other charges to use their service.
Aug 25 2010
Just a few days after a man took a pipe-bomb like geocache into a Timmins police department, Peel Regional Police were dispatched to deal with a film canister in a tree outside the Wal*Mart corporate office in Mississauga.
The geocache was placed in a small spruce tree in the employee parking lot for the office, and this is an area the general public is normally not expected to be. Since the cache was placed without the property owner’s permission, they didn’t realize it was a geocache and called in the authorities.
This is being discussed on the Groundspeak Forums, and the Central Ontario Geocachers forums
Please remember to obtain permission when hiding geocaches, particularly when private property is involved. Also, when hiding a cache in an urban area, you should use a clear container so it is obvious the cache contents are harmless.
From an internal Wal*Mart memo:
11:37 am Subject: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please Read
Early this morning an Associate reported seeing a suspicious package attached to one of the trees in the East parking lot.. As a precautionary measure the corporate security team contacted Peel Police. The Police have quadrant off a portion of the East parking lot and are requesting that all Associates remain away from this area. If for an emergency reason you need to access your vehicle please contact corporate security or your People Manager. We will let you know when this issue is resolved.1:35 pm Subject: FW: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Update
Please be advised that the Peel Police have dealt with the suspicious item left in the East parking lot. The item turned out to be a GPS based scavenger hunt game. The item was destroyed by the Police and minor debris may be found in the parking lot. We do not believe any cars were damaged as a result of this action. If you have any concerns relating to your vehicle please contact Corporate Security or your People Manager. We will investigate how the item got to this location. We do not know whether any of our Associates had any connection with this item however, this event is an opportunity to remind all that no one should leave any packages unattended in public areas on Wal-Mart property.
Aug 21 2010
Today the Globe and Mail is running an article in the Toronto Section about Geocaching in the City of Toronto. If you buy the paper, look on Page M5. There’s quite a bit of useful information about caching in our city in the article…. and TAG is featured as well.
Geocachers Find The City’s Hidden Charms – Globe and Mail, 21 August
Aug 12 2010

The first “OGA Day” events are taking place this Saturday. This is a celebration of geocaching in the Province of Ontario hosted by the Ontario Geocaching Association. Several of these events are accessible to geocachers in the Greater Toronto Area.
If you have time on Saturday, August 14 (or August 21), consider making your way to one of these events:
OGA Day – GTA Picnic by OGA and emzernask (GC2CDY6) – August 14
Magnetawan / Huntsville Area:
OGA Day – Near North by OGA and Mag Magician (GC29Q9Y) – August 14
Barrie / Innisfil Area:
OGA Day – The Wrong Coast by OGA and Juicepig (GC23WGH) – August 14
Eastern Ontario:
OGA Day – Kingston Waterfront by Kingston and Area Geocachers (GC2BWV2) – August 14
South Western Ontario:
OGA Day – SWOG Summer Picnic and BBQ by danielwest76 and treasuredtrio (GC2A10A) – August 21
Jul 20 2010
Letterboxing, the activity that started out well before geocaching (or even GPS). The activity is still going strong, and today was featured in a Toronto Star Article. Check it out, and keep that in mind next time you forget your GPS but still want the thrill of a cache hunt
Jul 20 2010
The newest version of the Ontario Trails Project is now available online at the project website This release brings a lot of new data in Dundas Valley, and numerous forest tracts around the GTA. We’ve also tweaked the linetype visibility a bit to show up better on Oregon units.
Here’s what changed in this release:
Changed Trail Line to 2 pixels with 1 pixel border to improve visibility on Oregons
Added – More trails in Heber Down Conservation Area – Whitby – entogeek Added – Trillium Trail – Perth – Avernar Added – Portions of Uxbridge TCT – Uxbridge – entogeek Added – Dumfries Conservation Area – Cambridge – Zeke_ Added – Little Tract – Guelph – Luke Mattar Added – Puslinch Tract – Guelph – Luke Mattar Added – Dundas Valley Trails – Hamilton – Luke Mattar Added – Dundas Valley Trails – Hamilton – nozzletime Added – Don Valley Trails – Toronto – Luke Mattar Added – Palgrave Conservation Area – Palgrave – Luke Mattar Added – Main Tract Trails – Mulmur – Luke Matter Added – Unnamed Rail Trail – Crysler – UNDERCOVER007 Updated – Waterfront Trail, Martin Goodman Trail – Toronto – John Carriere Updated – Terra Cotta Side Trail – Terra Cotta – northernpenguin Updated – Dickson Area Trails – Dickson – Zeke_ Updated – Guelph Radial Line Trail – Luke Mattar
Updated – Speed River Trail – Guelph – Luke Mattar
Jul 08 2010
Geowoodstock, that massive geocaching event cache is going to be within caching distance for most Toronto Area Geocachers next year! The event is being held in Warren, PA – right near Alleghany State Park. This is along the New York / Pennsylvania border and is about a 3 hour drive from Toronto. The event will be held on July 2, 2011 and should make for a great long weekend destination.
We’ll keep you posted as more news gets released. There’s a discussion topic on Geocaching.com as well.
Update: Here’s the link to the cache page – GC2AZ7G
Jun 30 2010

Canada Day is upon us, and it’s going to be a beautiful day in the Toronto Area! Make sure you get out and find a geocache – perhaps you are planning to visit the challenge
GC24RB8 – Ontario’s Public Holidays Challenge Cache at some point. Well, you’ll need a cache on July 1 to qualify for that challenge!
On Canada Day, there are events and fireworks at Toronto’s Canadian National Exhibition grounds. Go out and find a geocache, perhaps a Canada Day themed one, like this this one in Brampton. Get out and have some fun, party like it’s Canada’s 143rd birthday, “eh”.
If you really want to make a day out of it – there’s that Webcam cache in Ottawa that would be a great field trip. Remember to bring your great big Canadian Flag for the occasion!