TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers » Some TAG site updates

Dec 06 2010

Some of you may have noticed we’ve been changing things up a little bit on the site.

  • We switched to WordPress from Drupal, and enabled a mobile theme for iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry devices.  This switch was mainly made for the mobile support.
  • We’ve launched a Facebook page if you’d like to see our content there.
  • We’ve integrated Twitter with our WordPress page.
  • A while back we added Tapatalk support for the forums which makes it much easier to use them from a mobile device.

We’re still doing some of the lifting and there will be more tweaking of the site. I wanted to link the forum and site logins, but it looks like the plugins are having some challenges so that will wait a while.  Next up, we’re looking at more connections to social networking for comments on the TAG site for example.