TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers » BFL Boot Camp

This page provides more information about the upcoming BFL  Boot Camp geocaching event in North Halton.

There are two events affiliated with this year’s gathering.

  • GC31VTF – BFL Boot Camp VI – Super Pub Night This is a gathering before the night caching where cachers may get together and share stories, or group up for the upcoming night caching session in the woods.

    We will be meeting at the Mohawk Inn & Conference Centre near Campbellville. The pub will be available from 7:00-9:00 PM.

  • GC2YVBH – BFL Boot Camp VI – Retro Reflect
    Is the main geocaching event. We’ll be out there in the woods from 9:30pm to 4:00am.

This year, we are holding the event on Saturday, October 29.

We have an evening full of mischief planned, and we’re sure you’ll enjoy it.

About the Keepers of the Order of the BFL

The Keepers of the Order of the BFL, or “BFL Crew”, are a group of geocachers who head out geocaching every Friday night – year round. We specialize in caching after dark, and we don’t let the longer nights of winter slow down our caching adventures one bit. As winter gets near, we get together and host our annual night caching event – usually timed around the end of Daylight Savings Time.

About the Event

Join us for an evening of mayhem as the BFL Crew prepares another round of fun after the sun goes down.

After the launch kits are handed out, the BFL Crew will move to the Command Centre – which is at the posted co-ordinates for this event cache listing. We will have people here throughout the night and we plan to have hot chocolate to serve up. This is a location where you will be able to stop and chat, hang out, get help for the event caches or drop in. The event logbook will be located here, and this is where your “smiley” is earned.

During the weeks leading up to the event, the BFL Crew will be setting up various creative night themed caches. These will be available for you to visit, starting on the event night. This is an excellent opportunity to introduce yourself to night caching if you have not cached after dark before; hook up with a group and head out into the dark. Group caching at night is far less intimidating than caching solo at night.

Please do not go to the “Command Centre” before 9:30PM, to allow the BFL Crew time to setup the “Command Centre”. The event officially ends at 4:00 AM.

Where is the event?

The event is taking place in the Britton-Hilton Falls forest complex northwest of Milton. The BFL Crew will arrive here at 9:30, and “launch kits” will be available for the area caches. The posted co-ordinates for this event is what we refer to as the “Command Centre”, this is where the BFL Crew maintains a presence through the night.

Where can I stay?

If you’re caching all night, it might be a good idea to have a snooze nearby before driving too far. Or perhaps you want to bring some family members to the pub without committing them to caching in the woods. Fortunately, we have an answer for that:

The Mohawk Inn is where the pub event is. They also have rooms available for our group starting at $75/night. Contact the Inn at www.mohawkinn.com or (905) 854-2277

What’s available at the pub?

Since there are so many of us (170 people) all ordering food at once, the pub will be running a special menu for us. Here’s what will be available on the event night:

  • Soup of day – $4.00
  • Onion rings – $4.75
  • Greek salad – $5.75
  • Angus burger and fries – $7.95
  • Bacon/lettuce/tomato (BLT) and fries – $7.95
  • Chicken fingers and fries – $8.95
  • Fish n chips (one pce haddock) – $8.49
  • Chicken parmesan on a bun and fries – $10.95

The prices are the same as what they serve in the Dining room / Lounge.

Who is involved?

This year’s BFL is being hosted by

northernpenguin avernar teamvoyagr
brendah &&rew brain21
res2100 bakers dozen chris-mouse
dr. house hikert fanglyfish
gossamer2 nickjonh ririnette
The Cacheketeerz kitten on the hunt

What should I bring?

First and foremost: Be prepared for the weather. We have had nice calm, cool, clear nights for the event. We’ve also had major winter storms with sleet, freezing rain and tree-toppling winds. You must dress warm enough for an October night and YOU are responsible for choosing what conditions you are comfortable caching in.

Bring a flashlight, and extra batteries. An LED headlamp is recommended, and a BFL is a good second light

Bring your GPS

A good pen or two

If you have an FRS Radio, please bring it, and set to Channel 2

If you have a HAM Radio, we will monitor VE3OD, since VE3ADT is down, and Simplex 146.520

Bring your cellular phone. Note: CDMA networks have spotty coverage at the command centre. GSM/HSPA+ fares much better here.

Where do I get a Launch Kit? GPX File?

The BFL Boot Camp VI caches follow our annual tradition.

With the exception of the Wherigo file, none of the cache details are revealed before the start of the event.

We will have “launch kits” available at the pub (after 8:30/8:45pm), and at the Command Centre – (after 9:30pm). Please do not go to the command centre before 9:30, so we can get the organizer’s cars in there and get setup.

We will not be offering a GPX file for the event caches.

The caches should be published shortly after the event starts, so those of you bringing mobile devices (iPhone, Internet key) should be able to access the cache information via normal methods – you’ll just have to wait until these caches are published.

The launch kit will also be available in PDF form at http://torontogeocaching.com/bfl6/launchkit.pdf starting at 9:00pm on Saturday. The number of caches being released for the event are still being determined. Check back closer to the event date.

Remember, hunting the event caches is optional (but fun!).

To log an “attended” for this event, you must sign the logbook at the command center between 9:30PM and 4:00AM

Weather Info

Mother nature is well known for changing her mind about the weather in Autumn. We have experienced pleasant cool autumn nights, and we’ve also had full on winter storm conditions – snow, sleet, rain, wind. It is up to you to be prepared for the weather conditions.

You should check at least one of the links below for planning your outing.

We recommend a layered approach to dressing for the event.

Environment Canada Weather

The Weather Channel
