TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers » windowsphone

Apr 04 2011

Groundspeak’s Geocaching App

Over the weekend, Groundspeak launched an update to their Windows Phone 7 app.  From their forum post, here’s the details:


Below is a list of updates for version 2.2 of the Geocaching for Windows Phone 7 Application. Given the scope of changes in this release it is recommended you reinstall the application and powercycle your device.

New features:

  • Mark and navigate to new waypoints from within the app (helpful when seeking Multi-caches)
  • Option in settings to allow the application to run under the lock screen
  • Quickly download Pocket Queries in batches of 10, 20, or 30 caches to save time or limit data usage
  • Italian and French language support

Bug fixes:

  • Enhanced stability and addressed connection errors
  • The compass now works with offline caches
  • Application state now persists when you exit the app (this was an issue particularly with viewing PQs)

[ Geocaching on Windows Phone 7 ]

Jan 18 2011

…. and the Geocaching.com update train keeps on rolling. This one is for geocachers who cache with a Windows Phone 7 device. This one is a little different – they updated the site instead of the App for these fixes, so you don’t need to run out and download anything.

The forum post says it all:

Bug Fixes:

* “Hide my finds” now only hides you’ve logged as “Found”.

* Log in issues have been corrected.

* Pocket Queries are working.

* Connection issues have been resolved.

* Archived caches no longer show up in searches.