TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers » springfling

Oct 28 2011

Well, here at TAG Central, we just got an interesting message. It came in a bottle, with a map that would certainly interest one Captain Jack Sparrow:

The Central Ontario Geocachers, an’ the Spring Fling organizers be pleased to announce that COG Spring Fling 8 be published an’ that plannin’ be well underway!   On the 16thof the month of June which be a Saturday, bring ye all to the gathering!

We be also thrilled to announce that this year’s event be brought to the beautiful shores o’ Georgian Bay in the quaint, but thrivin’ community o’ Midland, Ontario. If ye be havin’ nerebeen to Midland, ye dasn’t know what ye be missin’! With beautiful parks, waterfront an’ urban areas perfect fer Geocachin’, this year’s venue offers us vast opportunities to be expandin’ on the successes that we be havin’ had with our past events.

Arrr, so ye be wantin’ to go to sea an’ ye don’t be wantin’ to end up in Davy Jones’ Locker? Then ye best be learnin’ to be talkin’ like a buccaneer!

In addition to our venue change, we will also be challengin’ ye to experience the event as a buccaneer. Huntin’ bountiful booty, sailin’ the high seas, swashbucklin’ an’ havin’ yer parrot do the talkin’ be all possibilities this year as we embark on our excitin’ new theme. Can ye answer the call?

The event page is already posted (GC1MGEQ).  If you’re going to be anywhere near Central Ontario next June, you really owe it to yourself to attend this marquee event. Last year’s theme was Bond, 007. We’ll be sure they will take this year’s pirate theme to a whole new level. Be sure to post your will-attend on the event listing, and visit cogfling.ca for the full story.

[ Cogfling.ca ] [ GC1MGEQ ] [ Central Ontario Geocachers ]

Sep 07 2011

COGger’s are much happier tonight, now that Groundspeak has finally corrected the series of errors that followed the issuing of the first Mega Event souvenir in Canada (Spring Fling 007). At first, the Souvenir had a crappy, low resolution image that featured a man holding a gun (of all things):

Next, they replaced the artwork with a much better logo, the one that was featured on the shirts you all bought at the event:

But the bio was still that of the Groundspeak Lackey who came up with the original gun themed image! I’m glad to report (via rca777) that the proper bio is now up for local cacher Elf (of Rainbow’s Connections). Rather than explain who she is, here’s how Groundspeak wrote up her bio on the updated Souvenir page:

About the Artist:Elf is a Geocacher with an interest in the simpler, kookier, and often overlooked things in life. She will help you step outside your comfort zone, and make you think about your world, your ways, and your thoughts on just about any topic. When not hiking or geocaching, she spends her time reading, writing, creating stuff, marshaling bicycle races, and challenging those around her to become even more amazing people. She also tends to attract various wildlife such as beavers, moose, and grackles, to get stuck upside down inside tree trunks, caves, and other hard to get into spaces, and to get quite muddy, wet, scratched, scraped, and bruised – all in the name of fun. She also enjoys wrestling salmon and working on her “How One Gets Oneself into these Situations: The Guide” photo album.

Congratulations to Elf for having her artwork featured in a Groundspeak Souvenir. It’s a great show, and much better represents the event as it was. Here’s hoping they call you first next year for the Spring Fling 8 Souvenir.

[ Spring Fling 007 Souvenir Page ]

Jul 23 2011

Been to Groundspeak’s Latitude 47 blog today? The blog is Groundspeak’s official one and normally features stories about caches, cachers or events from around the world. They also have caption competitions for “barely coveted” prizes. Well, today they are featuring a writeup by lackey “MissJenn” about … COG‘s recent Spring Fling Zero-Zero-7 Mega event cache.

Also, if you attended the event, check your profile for the Souvenir you earned!

[ Latitude 47 ] [ Central Ontario Geocachers ]

Jun 09 2011

Looking for geocaching plans this weekend? Remember, the  Central Ontario Geocachers are holding their annual Spring Fling Mega Event Cache . Once again it’s being held at the Tiffen Centre, less than one hour north of the Toronto Area. Apparently they have been infiltrated by some rogue element so details are scarce. They are calling for all geocachers to assist with their mission – local or otherwise.

This is Ontario’s largest annual event and will most likely see some Groundspeak “lackeys” show up as well. The main event runs on Saturday, but camping and secondary events run from Friday thru to Sunday.

This event is one you don’t want to miss, so be sure to visit the event page to view the vital information. You’ll also want to post a Will-Attend on the Geocaching.com event page.

[ Spring Fling ][ Central Ontario Geogachers ] [ Groundspeak Forum Thread ] [ GC1MGER ]

Jan 13 2011

In case you haven’t heard, the Central Ontario Geocachers are holding their annual Spring Fling Mega Event Cache on June 11, 2011. Once again it’s being held at the Tiffen Centre, less than one hour north of the Toronto Area. Apparently they have been infiltrated by some rogue element so details are scarce. They are calling for all geocachers to assist with their mission – local or otherwise.

What we do know is that the event is one you don’t want to miss, so be sure to visit the event page to view the vital information. You’ll also want to post a Will-Attend on the Geocaching.com event page. Preregistration opened up yesterday and they will be having a prize draw for those who register before May 1.

[ Spring Fling ][ Central Ontario Geogachers ] [ Groundspeak Forum Thread ] [ GC1MGER ]