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The maintenance mode banner is back on the Geocaching.com site
Geocaching.com has gone down for it’s monthly maintenance update, and it’s usual host of bug fixes. Notable this month are new Geocaching Live! partners (namely GSAK) and corrected coordinates for Mystery and Multi-Caches.
That last one is what has me paying attention – the feature has been one that geocachers have waited about 10 years for. You can adjust co-ordinates for a mystery you have solved or a multi you have finished so the cache will reflect the actual co-ordinates. You can download them in individual GPX files from the cache page but not from Pocket Queries just yet. While this will wreck havoc on GSAK databases in the short term, cachers without GSAK (for example, Apple Mac owning cachers) now have a way to load corrected co-ordinates in their GPS without having to fire up GSAK in Windows Virtual Machine.
Other updates today, as posted by OpinioNate:
Release Notes:
• Added a feature to correct Multi and Mystery cache coordinates for personal use (note: Coordinates are fixed in individual GPX downloads however Pocket Query functionality will follow in another release) • Added the ability for cache owners to delete spoiler log images without also deleting the log text • Added GSAK, Sachsencacher.de, GeoGet and Cachebox to list of partner applications on geocaching.com/live • When a geocache is created or edited we now associate (behind the scenes) a Yahoo GeoPlanet WOEID to the cache allowing us to tap into 6 million named places globally. This provides opportunities to expose the data in creative and helpful ways • Separated out Challenge stats to a new profile tab and added the ability to view a user’s Challenges completed and created, as well as your own accepted • Avatars are now resized to 48 x 48, down from 75 x 75 • Added Romanian to the list of Geocaching.com supported languages • Added new French translation of the Intro to Geocaching presentation at geocaching.com/tools/intro.aspx • Updated site-down notice with Facebook link and “hamster” video • When viewing a bookmark list you own it is now possible to see which caches in the list you have already found • Transitioning away from User Voice and back to IPB forums for support inquiries and feedback • Fixed map bug which caused the map not to update a Pocket Query properly when making changes to the PQ • Fixed map bug which caused the mouse pointer to identify filtered caches by name even when the icon is hidden • Fixed display of updated coordinates log in print-friendly version of cache pages to actually include the new coordinates • Updated text for Discovering a trackable on the Travel Bug tutorial page • Added clarification to Terms of Use, Section 3 (language now allows for under-18 usage of the website with parent or guardian supervision) • Fixed the CITO gallery to include a log link when viewing an image • Fixed link on /about/history.aspx page to updated noaa.gov description of Selective Availability • Added new teaser video for “Discover” challenge type on types page
• Fixed display issue on Trackables pages when the title is especially long
Geocaching Live API Beta
The beta launch of the Geocaching Live API continues! This time we’re pleased to announce four new partners:
Geocaching Swiss Army Knife (Coming Soon)
This application will scheduled to launch with Live support tomorrow. GSAK is the all-in-one Geocaching and waypoint management tool. Features include: Groundspeak API support, multiple databases, sending/receiving waypoints to GPSr, Google maps, conversion to many mapping formats, PDA output (including CacheMate support), HTML output, extensive searching, macro support, and much more. GSAK runs on Windows operating systems (2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7).
A complete geocaching solution for Windows. Import Pocket Queries, solve mystery caches, add notes, plan trips, and export information to the GPS or browse your database in your PDA.
Cachebox is a paperless mobile geocaching software for Android with offline database support and Geocaching.com Live API capability. Manage and find mystery caches with intelligent handling of Final Waypoints and the Mystery-Solver module. Features include multi-database support, image and spoiler view, Field Notes upload, track recording and viewing. Cachebox is a free open-source application.
Sachsencacher.de is a website providing statistical evaluation of geocache quality in Saxony (Germany) by examining log content.
[ Geocaching.com ] [ Release Notes ] [ GSAK ]