TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers » Watch for Flooding

Feb 17 2011

Swamper68 has a pretty decent write up over on his blog, reminding us that with the sudden warm spell over the next two days, the water levels around creeks and rivers is going to rise, dramatically in some cases. Be aware, and best avoid areas with flowing water. If you really have to get in close to a water feature – make sure you have an escape route. The Toronto area, and the Golden Horseshoe’s deep ravine geography can generate localized flash floods – don’t get caught in one.

Check Flood Status/Risk at your local Convervation Authority. Here’s a few of the local ones to the GTA

[ Toronto and Region Conservation Authority ]
[ Conservation Halton ]
[ Credit Valley Conservation ]
[ Grand River Conservation ]*
[ Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority ]*

* Reporting some flood risk as of 10AM Feb 17

[ Source: Geoswamper’s Blog ]