TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers » Garmin Releases Beta Update for Oregon x50 Series

Apr 08 2011

Garmin has released another beta for the Oregon x50 series GPS units. It corrects a shutdown issue introduced in the last beta and some ANT connectivity issues (ie Chirp).
This is a BETA release so don’t use it if you are not comfortable with reloading your GPS, or dealing with odd errors here and there. If you need to rely on your GPS 100%, you should be using the production firmware instead.

Change History

  • Fixed shutdown when selecting an option on the ‘Where To?’ page that was introduced with 4.45 beta
  • Fixed ANT connectivity issues that were introduced with 4.45 beta
  • Fixed the slow rendering time of the ‘About’ page that was introduced with 4.45 beta
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 4.45 beta where JNX settings were not being saved for each profile
  • Fixed an issue with magnetic north reference and waypoint headings
  • Problems with the software may be reported to [email protected]

[ Garmin Oregon 4.47 Beta ]