TAG :: Toronto Area Geocachers » Events
Feb 16 2011
There is a presentation/talk about Geocaching tomorrow night (Feb 17) in Toronto.
According to Yelp, the presentation takes place at the Fox and the Fiddle, 535 Danforth Avenue (Toronto). The event starts at 7:00pm.
This is part of a a “Nerd Nite” event, and the geocaching talk is held by kurat, a geocacher with over 1100 finds in 7 countries. His is the second presentation of the night.
From the description:
“The Art of Geocaching: Hiding Loot is not Just for Pirates…” by Tarmo Remmel and Raja Raudsepp It has been said that geocaching utilizes billions of dollars of high tech military equipment orbiting in space to find Tupperware in the woods. Bottom-line: It is an international treasure hunt! With GPS unit in hand, over 600,000 people have taken to the streets, forests, mountains, oceans, and even space (there is a geocache on the international space station), to find many of the over one million caches hidden worldwide. This presentation will enlighten you to what it is, how to do it, and how to know when you’re addicted.
Tarmo Remmel, or “kurat”, as he’s known in geocaching circles is a geographer and a geocaching addict. While not as severely addicted as some, he has been known to bolt out of the house at midnight to be the first to find a newly published geocache or to climb through sewers or up trees to make coveted finds. Having cached in 7 countries, he takes his love of geography to this extra dimension.
Raja Raudsepp always enjoyed a good scavenger hunt as a kid. Now, as an amateur geocacher, she’s already suckered in a number of friends and colleagues. Her goal: to get more of her friends into caching so she’ll have
people to go with.
[ nerdnite toronto ]
Jan 13 2011
In case you haven’t heard, the Central Ontario Geocachers are holding their annual Spring Fling Mega Event Cache on June 11, 2011. Once again it’s being held at the Tiffen Centre, less than one hour north of the Toronto Area. Apparently they have been infiltrated by some rogue element so details are scarce. They are calling for all geocachers to assist with their mission – local or otherwise.
What we do know is that the event is one you don’t want to miss, so be sure to visit the event page to view the vital information. You’ll also want to post a Will-Attend on the Geocaching.com event page. Preregistration opened up yesterday and they will be having a prize draw for those who register before May 1.
[ Spring Fling ][ Central Ontario Geogachers ] [ Groundspeak Forum Thread ] [ GC1MGER ]
Dec 14 2010
Just a quick reminder that the TAG Christmas gathering is tonight at 6:00pm, at the Kelsey’s Restaurant (Millcreek and Erin Mills Parkway) in Mississauga. The event page is GC2JATT. The event currently has 70 people signed up (as of 2:00pm). While the main seating area holds 50 people, there’s room to spill over into the main restaurant as well. Make sure you check the event page before showing up for any last minute information
Also, please note that Groundspeak will be shutting down for maintenance starting at 11PM EST for about 6 hours, so you might have to wait until tomorrow to post your “attended” log, especially if you head out caching after the pub. Groundspeak is describing this as the biggest update they’ve undertaken in 5 years. Wonder if there will be any interesting new goodness come out of this update.
Dec 13 2010
If you’d like to see COG Spring Fling 7 get a Souvenir on Geocaching.com, now there’s a place where you can vote for that.
Spring Fling is hosted annually by Central Ontario Geocachers, and it’s Ontario’s local Mega Event, held just north of the City. Even if you don’t upvote the Souvenir, set aside June 11, 2011 to attend the event, it is one of Ontario’s premier annual event caches.
Dec 01 2010
The Logbook from the GTA Geofriends 2008 (now TAG) Christmas Meetup
It’s that time of the year again, time when we’re all trying to get the latest geocaching devices added to our stockings or placed under the Christmas tree.
But Christmas wouldn’t be the same without Rideau Rangers’ annual get together in Mississauga. This is the third year now. This kicks off our regular TAG Pub series, which will start off as a seasonal get together (this replaces the GTA Geofriends series).
The pub style event cache is being held on December 14, at the Kelsey’s on Erin Mills Parkway (at Millcreek). The pub always fills so make sure you post a will-attend before you show up.
We’re looking forward to seeing you!
Event Cache Listing:
TAG Dec 2010 – O Come All Ye Faithful! by Rideau Rangers (1/1)
N43° 35.444 W79° 44.479
December 14, 2010 6:00 PM
Oct 29 2010

It’s finally here! BFL Boot Camp 5 – Devilluminati.
This all night geocaching event takes place tomorrow night in the north-west part of Milton. We’ll start at a pub in Milton then make our way out into the woods for a night of entertaining night-caches. If this sounds like fun, sign up at Geocaching.com and come on out to the Command Centre some time tomorrow night (after 9:30pm).
Tonight, there’s a caching event in Mississauga where people will be “planning their BFL strategies”. Most of the BFL organizers are also attending the Mississauga event tonight. This is being held by The Treehouse Gang
Tonight’s Event:
Yes! We have no Sprouts
Tomorrow’s BFL Event:
BFL Boot Camp 5 – Devilluminati
Sep 14 2010
It’s that time of year again. In Toronto, it’s said that Autumn is heralded by the end of the Canadian National Exhibition. To a geocacher, however, it isn’t Autumn without GHAGAFAP.
GHAGAFAP: Golden Horseshoe Area Geocachers And Friends Annual Picnic
The event is the largest annual geocaching event in the Golden Horseshoe area, which encompasses Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara. It originally started in Guelph 9 years ago as a picnic. It still has a picnic componment to it, but has grown beyond that. At the ‘Fap, you’ll find food, geocaches, geocaching talks, camping and much more.
This year’s event is being held at Rockwood Conservation Area, between Guelph and Acton.
Aug 12 2010

The first “OGA Day” events are taking place this Saturday. This is a celebration of geocaching in the Province of Ontario hosted by the Ontario Geocaching Association. Several of these events are accessible to geocachers in the Greater Toronto Area.
If you have time on Saturday, August 14 (or August 21), consider making your way to one of these events:
OGA Day – GTA Picnic by OGA and emzernask (GC2CDY6) – August 14
Magnetawan / Huntsville Area:
OGA Day – Near North by OGA and Mag Magician (GC29Q9Y) – August 14
Barrie / Innisfil Area:
OGA Day – The Wrong Coast by OGA and Juicepig (GC23WGH) – August 14
Eastern Ontario:
OGA Day – Kingston Waterfront by Kingston and Area Geocachers (GC2BWV2) – August 14
South Western Ontario:
OGA Day – SWOG Summer Picnic and BBQ by danielwest76 and treasuredtrio (GC2A10A) – August 21
Jul 08 2010
Geowoodstock, that massive geocaching event cache is going to be within caching distance for most Toronto Area Geocachers next year! The event is being held in Warren, PA – right near Alleghany State Park. This is along the New York / Pennsylvania border and is about a 3 hour drive from Toronto. The event will be held on July 2, 2011 and should make for a great long weekend destination.
We’ll keep you posted as more news gets released. There’s a discussion topic on Geocaching.com as well.
Update: Here’s the link to the cache page – GC2AZ7G